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Community Meeting - Yellowstone Kelly Trail Design Review

Flyer for a community meeting regarding a trail design, featuring cyclists, a QR code, and meeting details.

In 2023, the Paradise Recreation and Parks District contracted with American Ramp Company to identify potential bike trail features that could be included along the Yellowstone Kelly Heritage Trail. The Town of Paradise owns and operates this fantastic trail.  Over the past year, American Ramp Company has performed site reviews, hosted online surveys, met with district leadership, and hosted a focus group meeting with local users. With the information gathered during that time, American Ramp Company has provided various conceptual designs showing the potential features that could be added to the trail. Butte County has provided funding for this effort and the District is working with the Town of Paradise on the potential design.


We would like to invite you to this virtual meeting where you will hear from American Ramp Company and the District on the current state of the design. American Ramp Company will share conceptual designs with the group and open the floor for additional comments. We will use your feedback to finalize the design before presenting the final report and proposed design.