Outdoor Education for All - A Non-Profit PRPD Community Partner

Outdoor Education for All and Paradise Recreation and Parks District - Community Partners
Paradise Recreation and Parks District is proud to be the host for the Outdoor Education for All(OEFA) organization. Through a host of community partnerships, OEFA will act as a backboard organization for connecting students, teachers, and other groups with providers of outdoor education in Butte County. With a legacy of outstanding community leaders involved in this grass roots advocacy and educationally centered non-profit organization, OEFA is poised to change the face of outdoor education in the North State with its community centered, ever expanding curriculum partners.
Message from OEFA Coordinator and PRPD Recreation Supervisor, Scott Amick:
"Through our work, OEFA promotes ecological literacy, health and wellness, and builds a citizenry active in natural and cultural resource conservation and stewardship. We are excited to continue our work with our community partners and realize that NOW, more than ever, is the time to connect our healing communities through experiences in nature - starting in our own backyards."Scott Amick, OEFA Coordinator
Working closely with the North Valley Community Foundation, the Steering Committee has mapped out a curriculum series that will address the trauma effecting the Paradise Ridge and surrounding communitites. The Healing Trauma Through Nature initiative was granted $100,000 towards building capacity for social emotional development, trauma informed programming, and community building programs to be housed under PRPD. For more detailed information about the Healing Trauma Through Nature grant, please visit www.outdooreducationforall.com.
As the curriculum continues to evolve we expect to build upon the incredible programs that are currently being offered in our area as well as integrate new and exciting learning and healing opportunities as they develop. OEFA is currently affiliated with the following sites in Butte County:
- Paradise Lake
- The Chico Creek Nature Center
- The Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve
- Lassen National Volcanic Park
- The Forebay Aquatic Center
Last Summer, as OEFA started to gain traction under PRPD, a day camp was created through our community partners that lead to an awesome experience for 20 Camp Fire Survivors. Watch the video below to get an idea of the experience as well as a framework for opportunities to come:
If you, your organization, or your school would like to connect with OEFA in order to schedule a field trip, a community event centered around outdoor education at one of our primary sites or you would like to a part of our ever growing list of providers, please email outdooreducationforall@gmail.com.