Summer Silly Sports Skills Class'23

Who: Youth ages 3 - 5 on the Ridge that want to learn how to move safely and skillfully.
What: A skill development class that allows kids to be kids while ensuring neurological development in a safe outdoor space. Silly? Yeah! Safe? Yeah! Something they will look forward to all Summer long?! Yeah!
Where: The iconic Bille Park Meadow Directions Here
When: Saturdays from 9:30 am to 10:30 am June 24th through July 29th
Why: PRPD recieved loads of encouragement from community members seeking more programming for our little Ridge athletes. Through connections with the Mothers on the Ridge organization and through strategic staff recruiting, Silly Sports Skills is one of several programs being offered and developed for our youngsters.
How: Instructors Menen Goldfine and Staci Galla will guide your little athletes through a series of silly drills, exercises, and activities that will focus on a viariety of movement related skill development concepts.
The price of the class is $65 and there is a max class size of 20 participants. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE
Sign up to REGISTER HERE .