Aquatic Park - Park Icon

- The Aquatic Park is located at 5600 Recreation Drive. This park features a tranquil pond with a fountain, natural creek, a group picnic area with BBQ, an event arbor next to the pond, a playground, volleyball and horseshoe pits, and a seasonal swimming pool. Enhanced by colorful foliage in the fall and cherry trees and daffodils in the spring, the Aquatic Park provides a relaxing backdrop to daily activities and events.
- The pond recently received a full and much needed cleanup. In the fall of 2022, park maintenance staff removed the fish and then drained the pond. Then began the extensive removal of all decayed plant and animal material with bulldozers and dump trucks, including accumulated trash. The decayed materials were taken to Noble Park for fertilizer.
- Historically, Berry Creek that runs next to this park was damned a little further upstream to create a natural swimming pool for Paradise. When that pool was removed, the creek flowed into the existing pond. Currently, the pond does not receive water from the creek per California Department of Fish and Wildlife guidelines. This facility also had a recreation building used for afterschool and summer youth activites that was destroyed in the 2018 Camp Fire.
- Future plans for this location include rebuilding the recreation building next to the Paradise Pool as well as Pool building updates.